Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Start Somewhere

I’d love to spend time on Wednesdays sharing about some of the spiritual disciplines or spiritual practices (that sounds less strict) that have led me to worship the LORD with more of my heart, mind, soul, and strength.

Let’s start with an obvious one.

Bible reading.

For whatever reason, since I was a child, I absolutely loved learning. In my post yesterday, I told you all about how crazy I was about playing school, after school. I still love learning and studying, but I realize, that might not be the case for all of you. I think that might be what makes part of reading the bible so difficult. Not everyone loves to sit in solitude for an hour to read through Romans!

But we’re exhorted time and time again to make reading your bible of utmost importance. We are told to meditate on this book day and night (Johua 1:8), to be devoted to teaching (Acts 2), to be sanctified in truth (John 17), and to renew our minds (Romans 12).

So we know reading the bible is good for us, it will grow us up in the LORD and conform us to the image of His son. But, let’s face it . . . most of us feel a lot more guilt than pleasure when it comes to reading.

I don’t do it enough.
I should be in the Word more.
I’m not in the Word daily.

We’ve all said that, right? I think part of that is healthy conviction, but the other part is guilt and shame from the enemy that keeps us from entering into fellowship with the LORD.

So here’s my encouragement for this week:

(Okay, I stole that from Nike.)

But really, just do it! Just once, pull out your bible, and read it. Then, go from there.
Even if it’s just reading for 2 minutes to start with, start there. Start somewhere.

Here are some practical tips that have helped me:
-Leave your bible out and open.
-Don’t turn on the tv first thing when you get home.
-Download a bible app on your phone. Instead of checking Facebook or Pinterest, read through a Proverb or a chapter in Matthew.
-1st day of a new month, start in the first chapter of a new book!

(I'm not a morning person, so you won't find "wake up 10 minutes earlier" on my list, but I've heard it has worked for others!)

And please, share any practical tips that help you devote time (even if it’s 2 minutes) in the Word!

1 comment:

  1. I just love reading your posts. You are so encouraging, and are such a talented writer! Thank you so much for your insight and knowledge. God Bless you, and I will be putting some of these tips in motion for myself!
