Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Riches in Wisdom

Wisdom is a gift. It is to be sought after like a hidden treasure. It is a shield, a source of protection. It is soothing, delivering, and pleasant. It is a blessing. (*See Proverbs 2)

So what are we seeking after when we come to the LORD? Is it wisdom? Understanding? Insight? OR Is it a quick fix? A way out? Health? Wealth? Prosperity?

I don’t know about you but when I am going through a trial or a time of confusion, I’m not usually looking for the wisdom or understanding of the situation . . . I’m looking for the way out. When I’m humbled to hunger, I’m not looking to the Provider for sustenance, I’m usually looking for food to satisfy my appetite!

So much of my time can be focused on circumstance rather than focused on the LORD. I think I miss the point. I forget that the process is what matters. I am to seek Him and His wisdom; not just to bring me out of the trial, but THROUGH-out the trial.

My prayer life is “LORD fix this!” rather than “LORD, what do you want me to learn through this? What is it in me that you are working on?” Remember Psalm 139? “Point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life” (V.24, NLT)

I’m starting to see that it’s really not the trial or circumstance that’s the issue, it’s my heart attitude in the midst. Am I grumbling? Arguing? Prideful that I need fixing? Impatient? OR am I making my ear attentive to wisdom, inclining my heart to understanding, calling out for insight, seeking it like silver (Proverbs 2:2-4)

Proverbs 2 teaches us to be rich in wisdom, to find the treasures of insight and understanding. Oh LORD help me to desire riches in wisdom over quick fixes in circumstance!

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