Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hope for Fresno

Every morning I read the news via Twitter with headlines about Fresno.

Yes, they usually report crime, poverty, how many drunk driving arrests were made in ___ part of town, failing education system, umemployment rates, the bad air quality, the 108 degree weather!!

The list goes on.

And yet today, I woke up so thankful for living here and so in love with this city more than ever!

I have so much hope for this city and see so many great things going on that don’t make the headlines!

I see this great organization Off The Front giving away hundreds of bikes to students throughout the city. Off The Front was born from a pastor's holy discontent over the poor physical health and poor academics among elementary age children in Fresno. Off the Front's goal is to encourage a healthy lifestyle and "give a bicycle to every 4th grade student in the impoverished areas of Fresno Unified who is able to achieve customized goals in academics, character, and service."

I got to attend my first gathering for No Name Fellowship, which is an interdenominational organization that gathers leaders from all of this city to help alleviate poverty and serve the city.

Every Neighborhood Partnership whose mission is "to equip churches to partner with and serve elementary school neighborhoods through their active presence in the community." Out of this, faithful volunteers who mentor elementary age children, help in classrooms, provide a Saturday Sports program for neighborhood children, etc.

My friend's blog I Heart Fresno who shares lots of GOOD things and GREAT places that are in Fresno! Updates on restaurants, events, shops, etc.

Rescue the Children our of Fresno's Rescue Mission. They exist to help heal and restore broken families and just bought a new facility for women and children! They are providing places for women to experience real life change and hope for the future!

I saw the pastor of the little church next to my school in the office yesterday, just saying hi and asking how she can be a blessing the school next year.

I see teachers on Pinterest throughout the week "pinning" great teaching ideas/strategies to help impact students with more meaningful instruction. Yes, for fun, teachers look through Pinterest for creative teaching ideas. That's love and dedication.

I've seen all kinds of people in small groups finding ways to love and serve our city as part of their lifestyle. Serve Dei

I know people who walk their neighborhoods to pray for their neighbors. I know people who reject safer neighborhoods, bigger homes, etc to move into parts of town that need hope and love.

I see this stuff all of the time and that's why I love living here! Not because the weather is perfect or because crime is nonexistent, but because there are many people doing great things in this city out of love and compassion.

And I think that's something to report on . . .

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